Many Sellers don’t want to spend any money when listing their homes and they often think there are no defects within their home. But ask them… “When was the last time you walked on your roof, crawled through your attic, took the cover off your electrical panel, or looked at the coils in your A/C system… are you sure there are no defects?”
Here are 4 reasons how a Seller can actually SAVE MONEY BY SPENDING MONEY on a pre-listing inspection.
1- Save money on repairs
By identifying and repairing issues BEFORE they list the home, they can hire a handyman or perform simple repairs themselves instead of needing to hire an expensive contractor. For more extensive issues the seller has time to get quotes and select the best company and not pay outrages fees for “rush” jobs.
2- Avoid delays in closing
In a market like ours where construction is booming, it can be challenging to find contractors available to complete repairs in time for closing,thus pushing closings back until repairs are completed which can be costly to a Seller in numerous ways.
3- Reduce or eliminate last-minute negotiations on price or repairs
After buyers have their inspection often they ask the Seller to reduce the sale price or provide them with an unrealistic credit for any issues found at their inspection. Worse yet they could back out of the deal. Pre-listing inspections will eliminate issues a buyer may find at their inspection.
4- Get top dollar for the home
Being able to advertise the house has been inspected and is in move-in ready condition helps attract buyers and gives them peace of mind they are getting a sound home. Bringing in top dollar for a house. Sometimes buyers even waive their rights to have the home inspected if it has already been inspected, saving them money and eliminating any last-minute price negotiations.