Buying a home can be a very exciting, but stressful event. This anxiety is usually do to the buyer wanting to ensure that they are making the right decision in their home purchase. Having a home inspection can give you that peace of mind by informing you of the condition of the home. An article from the Huffington Post, written by Hal M. Bundrick, explains the importance of a home inspection and what to expect from your home inspection:

“A home inspection is a lot like a test-driving a new car, only better. Instead of just punching the accelerator and a few dash buttons to see what they do, during a home inspection you’ll have a knowledgeable professional along with you, pointing out details and potential problems you might not notice otherwise.

A thorough home inspection when you’re buying a house can save you thousands of dollars in unexpected repairs — or from unwittingly buying a money pit.

A home inspector will take two to three hours or more completing a detailed walk-through of the home you’re looking to buy. It’s a top-to-bottom review of the physical structure, as well as its mechanical and electrical systems — including roof, ceilings, walls, floors, windows and doors. The inspector will check that major appliances are functional, scrutinize the heating and air-conditioning system, examine the plumbing and electrical systems and crawl up into the attic and down into the basement…”

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